MSF, Sign of life

MSF entrusts The Washing Machine Italia with the campaign for the collection of 5x1000 in the tax return. Creativity for printing and promotional materials sees a doctor who auscultates a little girl with a stethoscope whose tube makes up a person's name: “Luca”. The headline explains everything, "Give us a sign of life, for thousands of people hope has a name: yours". A clear invitation to sign the tax return with your name to donate the 5x1000 to those who fight every day to defend the lives of victims of wars, epidemics and natural disasters. Creativity is expressed on video with a film without filmed sequences, we hear the audio effects of bombings, panting runs, the noise of a stretcher pushed by hand and an electrocardiogram that marks the heartbeat up to a desperate long sound ... On these sounds, in super we read “Saving human lives is our goal Pri…” Only with the calligraphic word “Mario” does the sentence make sense because only a signature can allocate the 5x1000 to save human lives. The campaign is planned on press, TV, web and social networks.